Thanks to all involved in this year’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Cymbeline. To the cast and crew of William Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, fantastic job! To Cymbeline’s sponsors and donors: Christina McGinley-Hughes at Farmer’s Insurance,
Thanks to all involved in this year’s Shakespeare in the Park production of Cymbeline.
To the cast and crew of William Shakespeare’s Cymbeline, fantastic job!
To Cymbeline’s sponsors and donors: Christina McGinley-Hughes at Farmer’s Insurance, Dr’s Fadi, Souheil, and Alejandra Haddad of Bloomington, the United Presbyterian Church, the Yellow Brick Road, Academic Scholarly Books, Pygmalion’s Art Supplies, Indiana Festival Theater at IU, and our friends from ISU: Mark, Kathie and Allen. We could not have done it without you. Your support was a tremendous thing.
And a shout out to WFHB radio for the use of it’s recording facilities and Bloomington Parks and Rec for the use of the 3rd Street Stage!
Also thanks to the AUDIENCE of Cymbeline for being there rain, shine or lightning!