Let’s meet some of our Cabaret performers! We asked and they answered. Don’t forget, tickets are available now for this FREE show February 17 at 3:00pm at the Monroe County Public Library Auditiorium. What is

Let’s meet some of our Cabaret performers! We asked and they answered. Don’t forget, tickets are available now for this FREE show February 17 at 3:00pm at the Monroe County Public Library Auditiorium.
What is your favorite love song? Why?
I don’t know that I have a favorite specific song, but I love jazz standards – I think I get it from my grandpa who was a jazz musician/singer/band leader. Anything by Nat King Cole is a hit in my book. Sometimes I feel like I was born into the wrong era – I should have lived during the 60s.
What do you do to celebrate valentine’s day (whether you’re with a partner or not)
I love to buy Valentine’s gifts for my kids and surprise them when they wake up in the morning. Then in the evening, my husband and I will usually find a babysitter so we can go out to dinner, and sometimes we’ll even go roller skating afterward.
What excites you most about being part of this production?
Then new people I get to meet and the new friendships I get to make!
What are you performing? why is it special to you?
I’ll be singing “Gimme Gimme” from Thoroughly modern Millie. I love this song because it has a wide range of emotional dynamics – it tells a story from beginning to end. It’s a lot of fun to perform.
What do you hope the audience gets from this show?
I hope someone feels inspired and uplifted by coming. That’s what the Arts and community theater are for!