What a successful and fun show! The cast and crew brought their quirky humor and acting chops to the stage for MCCT's production of Tom Stoppard's Travesties. MCCT could not have performed this absurdist comedy without the
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The Odd Couple (Female Version) kept audiences laughing the night away!
What a whirlwind! The cast and crew of The Odd Couple (female version) really brought their all this weekend to provide the sold-out audiences with a memorable and raucous comedy. From the acting to the
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The Odd Couple (Female Version) Preview by Limestone Post
Our friends over at Limestone Post wrote a preview about our fall show The Odd Couple (female version): read all about our latest comedy HERE. This is one show you won't want to miss! Be
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The Trojan Women bring the tears!
What an emotional run for the cast and crew of The Trojan Women! MCCT could not have performed this show without the support from local artists, writers, and businesses. Special thanks to Oddball Fermentables, Oliver
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It Really is a Wonderful Life
What a fantastic run! The cast, crew, and Sherwood Oaks choir and band put their all into making It's a Wonderful Life MCCT's best show to date! We couldn't have done it without the support from local
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Lysistrata Brings the Laughs
On the weekend of March 24th, Lysistrata sold out all three shows at the Blockhouse. Each night was a great show - big laughs, lots of happy audience members, and a buoyant mood among cast
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The Plot to Overthrow Christmas
Last Christmas MCCT performed a radio play on WFHB titled The Plot to Overthrow Christmas and it was a hoot! Members from all over Monroe County came together to meld their voices to create something spectacular! Read the IDS
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Reviews are in for 12 ANGRY JURORS!
Updated drama should provoke thought and discussion about American legal system by Matthew Waterman, Bloomington Herald-Times, Jul 21 2014 Reginald Rose penned “12 Angry Men” in 1954 as a 60-minute teleplay for CBS, later adapting
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The 2015 April issue of Homes & Lifestyles features a wonderful profile of MCCT, penned by Herald-Times columnist Joel Pierson -- check it out HERE!
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URINETOWN reviewed by Bloomington Herald-Times!
Herald-Times Review by Doris Lynch When I was young, train and bus stations and even some department stores had pay toilets, and on several occasions, I watched women slither across dirty floors to avoid paying
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